We stand with the Guerrilla!

Our comrades in the tunnels of Zap and Metîna are fighting against the occupying Turkish army - we call on all our friends to show them we stand by their side!

Basque country

Two solidarity pictures were taken in Euskal Herria (Basque Country) because of
the Global Action Days. The first one was taken in Gasteiz after the premiere
screening of the documentary “Gerra Hemen Hasten Da” (The War Begins
Here) denouncing the armamentistic industry in Euskal Herria.
The second one was taken during the demonstration in Irun against the
european migration policy, asking same rights for everyone and claiming
Euskal Herria as a welcoming country for the migrant people with no
The slogan in both pictures is the same: “Erdogan Fascist! Free Kurdistan! Biji

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