We stand with the Guerrilla

A large scale operations of the Turkish Army in Southern Kurdistan, particularly focused on the Metina region, which has been heavily contested since 2022 is the scene of intense fighting between the Turkish invading Army and the guerrilla forces of the People’s Defense Forces and the Free Women’s Units, the YJA Star and HPG. Despite years of Turkish military operations and continuous bombardment, there are still areas in Metîna where the guerrillas, primarily from war tunnels, have maintained their positions and continue to resist the Turkish state’s advance. We spoke to a International Guerrilla about the current situation and the meaning and implications of the war in Kurdistan.

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Interview with International HPG fighter

A large scale operations of the Turkish Army in Southern Kurdistan, particularly focused on the Metina region, which has been heavily contested since 2022 is the scene of intense fighting between the Turkish invading Army and the guerrilla forces of the People’s Defense Forces and the Free Women’s Units, the YJA Star and HPG. Despite years of Turkish military operations and continuous bombardment, there are still areas in Metîna where the guerrillas, primarily from war tunnels, have maintained their positions and continue to resist the Turkish state’s advance. We spoke to a International Guerrilla about the current situation and the meaning and implications of the war in Kurdistan.

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Der Terror von Solingen: Worüber wir reden sollten

Am Freitag, den 23. August, hat ein Mann in Solingen, Deutschland auf einem Stadtfest mit einem Messer 3 Menschen getötet und 8 zum Teil schwer verletzt. Der Täter hat sich wenig später der Polizei gestellt. Der 26-jährige Syrer aus Deir Ez-Zor ist 2022 nach Deutschland gekommen. Die öffentliche Debatte, die nach dem Angriff entfacht wurde, trägt in keiner Weise zu einer realistischen Einschätzung der Hintergründe bei und verhindert die Suche nach Lösungen und Vorkehrungen, um solche Angriffe in Zukunft zu verhindern. Während in der Debatte pauschal von ‘Terrorismus’ gesprochen wird, wird weitgehend übersehen, dass der Anschlag in Solingen durch den IS verübt wurde. Auch die Unterstützung der Türkei für ISIS ist ein zentraler, aber weitgehend ignorierter Aspekt.

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The terror of Solingen: What we should be talking about

What is happening right now in Germany and other European countries is an ruthless instrumentalization of the crime to legitimize right-wing demands for forced deportations. Everyone is talking about “terrorism”. A generalization that serves to conceal the background. Because the terror in Solingen has a name, a political, organizational and historical background: ISIS, the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

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Турецкая ложь: роль Анкары в геноциде палестинцев

In shedding light on Turkish hypocrisy surrounding the Genocide in Gaza, it becomes evident that Erdogan’s maneuvers are nothing short of a facade. Turkey’s actions, on the surface seem to be in support of Palestine, but are overshadowed by its complicity in fueling the very oppression it claims to oppose.

Турецкая ложь: роль Анкары в геноциде палестинцев Read More »

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