We stand with the Guerrilla!

Our comrades in the tunnels of Zap and Metîna are fighting against the occupying Turkish army - we call on all our friends to show them we stand by their side!

Der Terror von Solingen: Worüber wir reden sollten

Am Freitag, den 23. August, hat ein Mann in Solingen, Deutschland auf einem Stadtfest mit einem Messer 3 Menschen getötet und 8 zum Teil schwer verletzt. Der Täter hat sich wenig später der Polizei gestellt. Der 26-jährige Syrer aus Deir Ez-Zor ist 2022 nach Deutschland gekommen. Die öffentliche Debatte, die nach dem Angriff entfacht wurde, trägt in keiner Weise zu einer realistischen Einschätzung der Hintergründe bei und verhindert die Suche nach Lösungen und Vorkehrungen, um solche Angriffe in Zukunft zu verhindern. Während in der Debatte pauschal von ‘Terrorismus’ gesprochen wird, wird weitgehend übersehen, dass der Anschlag in Solingen durch den IS verübt wurde. Auch die Unterstützung der Türkei für ISIS ist ein zentraler, aber weitgehend ignorierter Aspekt.

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The terror of Solingen: What we should be talking about

What is happening right now in Germany and other European countries is an ruthless instrumentalization of the crime to legitimize right-wing demands for forced deportations. Everyone is talking about “terrorism”. A generalization that serves to conceal the background. Because the terror in Solingen has a name, a political, organizational and historical background: ISIS, the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

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Турецкая ложь: роль Анкары в геноциде палестинцев

In shedding light on Turkish hypocrisy surrounding the Genocide in Gaza, it becomes evident that Erdogan’s maneuvers are nothing short of a facade. Turkey’s actions, on the surface seem to be in support of Palestine, but are overshadowed by its complicity in fueling the very oppression it claims to oppose.

Турецкая ложь: роль Анкары в геноциде палестинцев Read More »

Evaluation de l’offensive turque

Depuis le 15 juin, l’armée turque a étendu ses opérations dans les régions où se trouve la guérilla du PKK, au nord de l’Irak et a lancé une nouvelle offensive dans le sud du Kurdistan. Depuis le 15 juin, des centaines de véhicules blindés, de chars, de véhicules de transport de troupes, des milliers de soldats et d’autres équipements lourds ont franchi la frontière avec le nord de l’Irak et ont été stationnés dans les zones de guérilla. Rien qu’entre le 22 et le 25 juin, des sources locales ont indiqué que plus de 300 véhicules blindés avaient franchi la frontière et progressé dans la région. Plus d’un millier de soldats auraient été déployés au cours de ces journées, venant s’ajouter aux dizaines de milliers de soldats déjà stationnés dans la région.

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Αποτίμηση της τουρκικής επίθεσης και της αντάρτικης αντίστασης στο Νότιο Κουρδιστάν

This offensive in South Kurdistan is not a small tactical operation or merely a maneuver to move forces from point A to point B. It marks the beginning of the summer offensive anticipated by the Kurdish freedom movement since April this year. As early as mid-April, the People’s Defense Forces reported that the Turkish Army was slowly positioning its forces and moving more troops across the border. On the other side, in the Turkish-occupied territory of North Kurdistan, forces were also being amassed. It was stated that what started in April was not the expected offensive, but the major strike would come in the summer. It appears that this offensive has now commenced with the new operations of the Turkish Army in the region.

Αποτίμηση της τουρκικής επίθεσης και της αντάρτικης αντίστασης στο Νότιο Κουρδιστάν Read More »

Turkish Offensive in South Kurdistan

This offensive in South Kurdistan is not a small tactical operation or merely a maneuver to move forces from point A to point B. It marks the beginning of the summer offensive anticipated by the Kurdish freedom movement since April this year. As early as mid-April, the People’s Defense Forces reported that the Turkish Army was slowly positioning its forces and moving more troops across the border. On the other side, in the Turkish-occupied territory of North Kurdistan, forces were also being amassed. It was stated that what started in April was not the expected offensive, but the major strike would come in the summer. It appears that this offensive has now commenced with the new operations of the Turkish Army in the region.

Turkish Offensive in South Kurdistan Read More »

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