Abdullah Öcalan’s May the 1st message

Since the 1980s, Abdullah Öcalan has always used the international day of struggle of the working class as an opportunity to analyse the situation of the world socialist movement and to derive perspectives for the struggle for self-determination and socialism in Kurdistan and the Middle…
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Resistance is Life Clip

Resistance is Life: From the free mountains to Rojava, from the prisons to the streets of Europe, from Kurdistan to Abya Yala, from Imrali to the whole world!
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Interview Hesen Kocer

Exclusive Interview with Hesen Koçer, Executive Council Co-Chair of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North-East Syria: We spoke with Hesen Koçer about the extend and effects of the attacks. With large parts of critical infrastructure destroyed Hesen Koçer evaluates the current situation, unveils the Turkish propaganda…
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Christmas Attacks on Rojava: Call to Action

On December 23, 2023, the Turkish state launched a brutal bombing campaign against civilian infrastructure in Rojava (northern Syria). With the area still struggling to recover from the attacks it suffered in early October, this new series of raids is preventing any stabilization of the…
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