Justice for our murdered ComRADES in Paris!

Just one year ago, on December 23, 2022, three comrades were murdered near CDK-F (Kurdish cultural center), in the heart of Paris. This murder took place almost 10 years to the day after the assassination of three other comrades on January 9, 2013, in the same geographical area. While there is little doubt about the involvement of the Turkish state in these attacks, the real masterminds are still at large. Here’s a look back at the attacks.

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One Year after the Paris Massacre: Our answer has to be Internationalism

On 23rd of December 2022, approaching the 10th anniversary of the assassination of Sakine Cansiz (co-founder of the PKK), Fidan Doğan (Kurdistan National Congress) and Layla Söylemez (Kurdistan Youth Movement), the brutal assassination of Emine Kara (Evîn Goyî), Abdurrahman Kızıl and Mîr Perwer occcured in front of the Ahmet-Kaya Kurdish cultural center in Paris. Perpetuating the narrative that the attack was of a racially motivated xenophobic origin, this ruse intends to hide the true nature of the suppression of the Kurdish people, attempting to silence the voices of over 40 million and their struggle for justice and peace.

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Truth and justice!

Eleven years have passed since comrades Sakine Cansız (Sara), Fidan Doğan (Rojbîn) and Leyla Şaylemez (Ronahî) were murdered in cold blood by a Turkish secret service agent on January 9, 2013. Sara, founder of the PKK, tireless resistance fighter in prison and emblematic figure of the women’s movement; Rojbîn, responsible for the Kurdish movement’s diplomacy in France, organizer of international solidarity; Ronahî, activist of the youth movement, who became a symbol of young women’s insubordination to colonial rule. There is no doubt that this bloody act was ordered by Turkish dictator Reccep Tayip Erdoğan. The assassin, Ömer Güney, acted under the direct instructions of senior members of the Turkish government and its intelligence apparatus, as evidenced by an audio recording of a conversation between the assassin and MIT agents, as well as notes from these same services. Yet neither the French justice system nor any of the responsible European institutions have shed any light on this dark crime.

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Analysis of Political & Military Situation Nov 2023

In order to be able to accurately interpret current events, conflicts and developments in Rojava and the Middle East, but also globally, it is necessary to name the phase in which the global political system finds itself, taking into account the historical dimension. The core characteristic of this development, which Abdullah Ocalan, initiator of the Kurdish freedom movement and the revolution in Rojava, describes as a third world war, are conflicts between hegemonic and regional powers for the expansion of influence. Different alliances are forged and break up depending on the hoped-for gains. Hegemonic powers support local proxy armies to enforce their interests and war is progressively legitimized as a means to enforce the interests of state actors. The third world war is as well, a war between these forces of power accumulation and the forces of the people and societies, struggling for a life on their land. These conflicts have different expressions and their difference in form as well as the attempt of the hegemonic regimes to defame them often make them hard to identify.

In this analysis we want to highlight events and processes that emerge around this frame. Starting with an overview on power-dynamics in the global scale, we are going to look closer at the war of culture as a means of the hegemonic powers to bring societies under their control, especially focusing on the Middle East. On this basis, we will more broadly analyze the different aspects of the war being waged in Kurdistan.

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protest against Erdogan’s visit to Germany

We’ll see you in Berlin on November 18, 2023 at 11am at Oranienplatz!

We call for participation in the protest of the Kurdish Freedom Movement to ensure that Germany ceases to be an hinterland for Turkish fascism. The participation of the German state and its arms industry in Turkish imperialism and expansionism, under the leadership of NATO, is a crime!

Let’s not give Erdogan the opportunity to gather support for his brutal war in Kurdistan!
No quiet Hinterland for Turkish Fascism!

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Protest gegen Erdogans Besuch in Deutschland

Wir rufen dazu auf, sich an der Demonstration der kurdischen Freiheitsbewegung zu beteiligen, damit Deutschland nicht länger ein Hinterland des türkischen Faschismus ist. Die Beteiligung des deutschen Staates und seiner Rüstungsindustrie am türkischen Imperialismus und Expansionismus, unter Führung der NATO, ist ein Verbrechen!

Geben wir Erdogan nicht die Möglichkeit, Unterstützung für seinen brutalen Krieg in Kurdistan zu gewinnen! Kein ruhiges Hinterland für den türkischen Faschismus!

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