We stand with the Guerrilla!

Our comrades in the tunnels of Zap and Metîna are fighting against the occupying Turkish army - we call on all our friends to show them we stand by their side!

“Una respuesta a los ataques del ejército turco”

El atentado del domingo ante el Ministerio del Interior turco, reivindicado por el Partido de los Trabajadores del Kurdistán (PKK), sorprendió a muchos, ya que los atentados suicidas no eran una táctica habitual del PKK desde hacía tiempo. ¿Por qué utilizó el PKK este medio?

En mi opinión, no se trata de atentados suicidas, sino de acciones de autosacrificio en el marco de la autodefensa contra los ataques genocidas del ejército turco contra el pueblo kurdo en Turquía, Irak y Siria. El Estado turco está llevando a cabo la campaña de guerra psicológica “Hemos acabado con el PKK en Turquía, sólo quedan en Irak y Siria”. Los camaradas recordaron a los gobernantes fascistas que el PKK también existe en el lugar donde se organizó por primera vez y que los kurdos pueden defenderse en el mismo lugar donde se planean los ataques contra ellos.

“Una respuesta a los ataques del ejército turco” Read More »

Call To Action: Riseup against Turkish Warcrimes in North Eastern Syria

To all supporters of the Kurdish liberation struggle, anti-fascists, socialists, feminists, anarchists,
communists, environmentalists, and those dedicated to a better world,
Turkey has launched probably the most widespread bombing campaign North-Eastern Syria has faced so far.
Since October 5th, Turkey has conducted more than 30 airstrikes, primarily in the Cizîre region and Kobanê.
These airstrikes have targeted vehicles, villages, and especially critical civilian infrastructure, including oil-
and power plants & gas stationsresulting in civilian casualties and casualties among internal security forces.
Large areas experienced a total power blackout with many hospitals, bread-factories and other critical
public-institutions completely without electricity. The attacks continued this morning when a Corona-
Hospital & a power station were targeted.
Despite the obvious war crimes, no reaction has been heard from the international community so far.
These attacks followed threats by Turkey’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hakan Fidan, directed at the self-
administered region. The pretext for these threats was a self-sacrificial action that took place on October 1st
in Ankara, claimed by the People’s Defence Forces (HPG). The Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs declared
that the attackers came from North-Eastern Syria, justifying these attacks on “all infrastructure,
superstructure, and energy facilities,” especially in Syria and Iraq.

Call To Action: Riseup against Turkish Warcrimes in North Eastern Syria Read More »

OPCW Action – RiseUp4Rojava solidarity statement with the 55 comrades of the Kurdish Youth Movement

OPCW Action – RiseUp4Rojava solidarity statement with the 55 comrades of the Kurdish Youth Movement – On 3th December 2021, activists of the Kurdish Youth Movement in Europe (TCŞ/TEKO-JIN) carried out an action in front of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in Den Haag, Netherlands, entering and occupying the building successfully.

OPCW Action – RiseUp4Rojava solidarity statement with the 55 comrades of the Kurdish Youth Movement Read More »

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